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Home > System settings > Set Options for purchase/sale

Set Options for purchase/sale

1. Purpose
To set up information on Purchase/sale activities like pricing policy, charge, taxation. Depending on the setting, the screens and the Purchase/sale-related functions will change accordingly.
2. Instruction steps
To set up information related to Purchase/sale, follow these steps:
Go to System settings\General settings.

2. Select Purchase/Sale tab.

3. Click Edit on Purchase or Sale part upon demand.
4. Check/Uncheck or enter value to be set.
 Options Meanings

Display discount amount, tax amount on Stock Receipt Note, Purchase Note, Returned Stock Note

Stock Receipt Note, Purchase Note, Returned Stock Note display Discount and Tax column.

Daily sales calculated from

Time inserted here is the time when the restaurant opens, which affects its Sales Report.

Average dining-in time

Time inserted here is the basis for the system to calculate how many tables are available when guests reserve or go dining in.

Maximum serving capacity

Number inserted here is the basis to calculate the restaurant's serving capacity at any time in a day.

Display item image on menu

One menu list, when taking order, images of items are displayed.

Must select a table upon taking order

Check this box so that the system will warn if the waitstaff forgets to select a table before saving an order.

Send Returned Item Ticket to Kitchen/Bar when the guests return items By checking this box when the guest returns item, the program will automatically print Returned Item Ticket on the printer of Kitchen/Bar so that Kitchen/Bar can easily track quantity of returned items upon checking items.

Print draft bill

If unchecking this box on the cashier's check-out screen Print draft bill will be replaced with Send draft bill.

Do not display guest's card number on check-out screen

If checking this box, on the cashier's check-out screen guest's card number will be displayed as (*).

Allow different groups to sit in one table

If checking this box, upon order-taking it is possible to make multiple orders on one table.

Allow the Cashier to directly offer free item/discount upon check-out

If checking this box, when checking out the cashier can choose to offer guests free item/discount in addition to current promotion program. (On cashier's check-out screen, there is Other promotions button and each item has Discounted/Offered button).

Apply price schedule

If checking this box, on food/drink/combo/other items settings interface Price schedule tab is displayed to set price schedule. At the same time when taking order or checking out it is possible to change price by schedule.

Display order by area When checking here, the cashier can filter orders by floor/area for better service.
Automatically display number of guests when selecting table - By checking this box, when selecting table the program will automatically show number of guests based on the number of seats as set for the table.
- By unchecking this box, when selecting table, the program will default number of guests as 0.
Must enter number of guests when creating order By checking this box, the program will now allow the staff to save order if the number of guests is 0. 
Note: you also have to uncheck the box Automatically display number of guests when selecting table.
Do not allow cashier to follow up sales and amount in the drawer  Check this box if you want to block the cashier from viewing sales/report on the program.

Require Manager to confirm in the following cases: 

Check the box if the Manager is required to confirm when the waitstaff/cashier proceeds with the following business:
- Delete order/item;
- Edit/Delete deposit;
- Reprint bill
- Return items upon checking;
- Change result of checking out: Decrease item(s), Increase item(s), Change policy of price, promotion, tax, charge and voucher.

 Include tax upon sale - If checking No => when cashier checks out, tax is not included. 
- If checking Yes and enter tax rate => when cashier checks out, set tax rate is always included. 
- If checking Only include upon request and enter tax rate => when the cashier checks out, he/she can select to include tax in the bill or not.

Include service charge

- If checking No => when the cashier checks out, service charge will not be included.
If checking Yes and enter percentage or amount => when the cashier checks out, service charge by percentage or amount will always be included.
- If checking Only when arisen and enter percentage (or amount) => When cashier checks out, he/she can select to include service charge in the bill or not.

 Accepted payment methods Check the payment methods applied in the restaurant
 Use Kitchen/Bar sending log  The Kitchen/Bar sending log feature helps the cashier/owner view list of orders Sent/Unsent to kitchen/bar and reprint the process ticket if necessary.
- If you do not need this feature, check No.
- If you use this feature, check Yes and set up the number of logged days. If you set 1 day, any orders will not be displayed after 1 day of sending to kitchen/bar. 1-day archive is recommended. If the number of logged days is too long, it may slow down the program
Notify when stock issue exceeds the inventory By checking this box, the program will show warning when stock issue exceeds the inventory
5.Click Save.
